Values Newsletters
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a fantastic New Year! This half term we are focusing on the value Responsibility.
Responsibility means doing the things we need to do and taking care of ourselves and others. It's like being a superhero in our everyday lives by making good choices and helping out. When we are responsible, we show that we can be trusted and that we care about ourselves and those around us. Whether it's finishing our homework, cleaning up our toys, or being kind to our friends!
Responsibility reflection points
· Your actions matter: Think about how your actions (positive or negative) can affect yourself and others.
· Taking care of yourself: Personal care is important, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, being active and practicing good hygiene.
· Completing tasks: What tasks are you responsible for? These could be, completing your homework, doing your chores or simply following our 3 Barnsbury rules, by always being ‘ready, respectful and safe’.
· Being kind to others: Your words and actions play a big role in your day to day life. It is your responsibility to treat all living things with care and respect.
· Making good choices: It is your responsibility to make good choices at school and at home.
· Learning from mistakes: We are human so we will make mistakes but it is your responsibility to learn from your mistakes and improve.
Values activities to try at home with your family
Here are some ways you can show responsibility at home:
· Toy clean-up: Tidy up after yourself and put your toys away when you are done playing with them.
· Setting the table: Help set the table for breakfast and dinner.
· Make your bed each morning.
· Laundry helper: Help your parent/carer with laundry. You could sort the laundry, help fold and pack away your clothes.
· Pet or plant care: Help look after a pet or a house plant. Looking after a living creature is a big responsibility!
· Packing lunch: Help prepare or pack your own lunch.
· There are loads of ways to show responsibility at home. If you think of another activity or task that has not been mentioned above, share your ideas with your teacher. We would love to hear all about you being responsible at home.
We hope you enjoy our value this half term! Don’t forget to always show your values at school and at home. Remember, you are your own SUPERHERO!!!