

At Barnsbury Primary School & Nursery, we believe that English and communication are key life skills. Through the English curriculum, we will help children develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to communicate confidently and articulately through both spoken and written language; becoming lifelong learners.

We want children to enjoy, appreciate and immerse themselves in literature and its rich variety of vocabulary. Children have the opportunities to express their imaginations and creativity with a range of texts that develop vocabulary, imagery and excitement. English has an essential role across the curriculum and helps pupil’s learning to be coherent and progressive.



Phonics is taught at Barnsbury through the Read Inc Scheme. Read Write Inc. Phonics is a comprehensive literacy programme designed for children in Nursey through to Year 2. This involves fun and active ways of learning letter sounds through pictures, rhymes and actions, which help children recognise and begin to read words. Our goal is for children to be able to work out unfamiliar words quickly, read familiar words speedily and read texts fluently.

More information can be found at https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parentsandcarers/



Reading is fundamental to learning across the curriculum. With strong reading skills, children can explore other subjects, fostering a love for lifelong learning. It encourages creativity and develops imagination; an essential life skill. Our aim is to inspire all of our children to develop a lifelong passion for reading through exposure to high quality texts, allowing children to explore different realities and possibilities.


EYFS & KS1 English Overview

KS2 English Overview