What Is Inclusion?
Inclusion in education involves:
Valuing all students and staff equally;
Reducing barriers to learning and participation for all students, not only those with impairments or those who are categorised as `having special educational needs';
Learning from attempts to overcome barriers to the access and participation of particular students to make changes for the benefit of students more widely;
Viewing the difference between students as resources to support learning, rather than as problems to be overcome;
Acknowledging the right of students to an education;
Improving schools for staff as well as for students;
Emphasising the role of schools in building community and developing values, as well as in increasing achievement;
Fostering mutually sustaining relationships between schools and communities;
Recognising that inclusion in education is one aspect of inclusion in society;
Inclusion is a sense of belonging: feeling respected, valued for who you are; feeling a level of supportive energy and commitment from others so that you can do your best work.”
(Miller, Frederick A. and Katz, Judith H. 2002)
We recognise that there may be a diversity of needs relating to learning, health, behaviour, emotion and physical requirements. To read about how SEN pupils are admitted, treated equitably and how access is enabled for them please refer to the following policies:
Single Equality Policy (SWAN Trust)
SEND14 – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2014
This September, the Government changed the Special Education Needs Code of Practice, replacing the stages of support previously called School Action and School Action Plus with a single category of SEN Support. Click here for more information and our schools response.
At Barnsbury we have a number of staff who support children with different needs.
Miss Louise Powell
Our Inclusion Leader is the key person who you would need to make contact with if you consider your child to have additional needs.
Key responsibilities include:
Coordinating provision for children with SEN
Liaising with and advising teachers
Maintaining and overseeing records of all children with SEN
Liaising with parents and carers
Monitoring pupil progress of identified groups through assessment data
The Senco will work closely with a range of external agencies who offer support, advice and guidance and make referrals to them. These include Surrey County Council services such as educational psychologists and specialist teachers. Specialist teachers provide advice and support for pupils with a range of needs. These include those who have learning difficulties, sensory or physical needs, those with EAL or those who need support with a range of behaviour issues. Other agencies include health professionals such as the school nurse and pediatricians.
Mrs Stephanie Kimber
The SENCO is responsible for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Key responsibilities include:
Coordinating provision for children with SEN
Liaising with and advising teachers
Maintaining and overseeing records of all children with SEN
Liaising with parents and carers
Monitoring pupil progress of identified groups through assessment data
The Senco will work closely with a range of external agencies who offer support, advice and guidance and make referrals to them. These include Surrey County Council services such as educational psychologists and specialist teachers. Specialist teachers provide advice and support for pupils with a range of needs. These include those who have learning difficulties, sensory or physical needs, those with EAL or those who need support with a range of behaviour issues. Other agencies include health professionals such as the school nurse and pediatricians.
Mrs Ambreen Ali
At Barnsbury, we strongly believe that working in partnership with families will achieve positive outcomes for all children. The Home School Link Worker can support parents with issues relating to (but not limited to) Attendance/punctuality/routines * Family Learning * Behaviour/Emotions * Housing * Health and Wellbeing * Healthy Lifestyles * Young Carers * Debt/Budgeting/Preparing for the winter months * Benefits/DLA * Food Banks* Young Parents * New Baby Bundles * Isolation/Community Integration * School readiness * Transitions/moving up in class * Domestic Violence * Alcohol and Substance Misuse * Bereavement * Mental Wellbeing -anxiety/stress/depression * Bullying/Friendship issues.
Please do get in touch with the HSWL on 01483 763114 (via the school office), 07554794666 (work mobile) or email on should you wish to.
Mrs Alex Hemming
An ELSA is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. A teaching assistant who has received additional training and has experience of working with children. ELSA’s are trained and regularly supervised by the Educational Psychologist in the local area. An ELSA Is a warm and caring person who wants to help your child feel happy in school. The aim is to help try and remove barriers to learning and to have happy children in school and at home. An ELSA can help with self-esteem, social skills, emotions, anxiety, relaxation techniques and more.
Please talk to the class teacher if you have concerns about your child and feel they may need some support from Mrs Alex Hemming, our ELSA.